November 2011

Announcements from the Independence Alumni Association

Next Meeting is Monday, November 7, at 7pm

Visit the IHS Alumni Website

IHS Alumni Meeting Date Change

Just a reminder that the next IHS Alumni Association meeting is Monday, November 7th, at 7pm, at the High School. Note the meeting scheduled for November 14 has been cancelled.

An Open Invitation to IHS Classmates

Memories to be cherished often have their roots in our childhood, especially our teenage years. As we entered into high school, our social involvement in school clubs, pep rallies, football games and Prom night took precedence. In the summer, we gathered together at the park, the nearby pool or in the center of town during Independence Home Days. Friendships were golden. They still are! Read More...

Class of '59

The IHS Class of '59 had their 50 + 2 reunion on Sat. August 27, 2011. There was a tour of the old high school on Brecksville Rd. at 3 PM led by class president Russ Fortlage. Some of those on the tour Read More...

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